Hundreds join National Day of Action to unite vote

Hundreds join National Day of Action to unite voters against Harper

Events in 27 communities boost Vote Together campaign

Toronto, Oct. 3rd - Hundreds are joining a National Day of Action with events in 27 Canadian communities aiming to unite voters across party lines to defeat the Harper Conservatives in the upcoming federal election.

Supporters of the Vote Together campaign are rallying at busy intersections, handing out campaign flyers, and canvassing for new supporters.

“A majority of voters want change this election, but our broken voting system splits our votes and distorts our democracy. In 2011, Harper won 100% of the power with just 39% of the vote. If we’re going to end 10 years of Harper rule, we need to vote together this time,” said Jamie Biggar, Campaigns Director at Leadnow.

The Vote Together campaign, led by independent advocacy group Leadnow, urges voters pledge to vote for the best local non-Conservative candidate who could win in their riding.

“The Vote Together campaign is designed to help voters who want change select and support the best local candidate who can defeat the Harper Conservatives in their riding,” added Biggar. “More than 76,000 people have already joined the campaign, and today’s Vote Together Day of Action is bringing us one step closer to uniting a critical mass who can defeat Harper by voting together.”


For more information on the vote together campaign, please go to

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-30- was founded in 2010 and has no political affiliation. Its top areas of focus are creating a strong democracy, building a fair economy and ensuring a clean environment for all generations. will help voters connect for change and elect candidates that are committed to these three crucial issues.

For further information:

Jamie Biggar


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