Community Survey Results
June 17, 2015: The Vote Together campaign was developed over two years with input from thousands in the Leadnow community to bring people together to end 10 years of Harper rule and push politicians from all of the opposition parties to work together for a strong democracy, fair economy and clean environment.
Recently, we’ve heard from many people who are disappointed by the Liberal MPs’ decision to vote for C-51, and who want the Liberals to commit to repeal C-51, not just amend it.
So we sent out a survey to check in with the Leadnow community about our plan to update the Vote Together strategy of building communities of people who agree to vote together for the best local candidate to defeat a Conservative by: pushing the Liberal MPs to change their position to an effective repeal of C-51, and including the party positions on a repeal of C-51 under the "strong democracy" priority that Vote Together pledge signers will consider when making their local voting choice.
We wanted to check in with you because Vote Together can only succeed if we work together, and we use your feedback to continuously improve the plan. Thank you to the 7,500 people took the time (5-10 minutes or more for many) to read the plan and respond. We feel especially grateful for all those who took the time to include additional comments and offer thoughtful critique.
The following are the top-line results from the three main questions we asked:
(You can click on the drop-down links below to see the results broken down into four categories: Vote Together Pledge Signers, Vote Together Volunteers, General Members, and New "Reject Fear" Members who joined through the campaign to stop C-51.)
The results show that:
- A large majority support the plan,
- A large majority are willing to vote for a local candidate who isn't their first choice if that candidate has the best chance to defeat a Harper Conservative - with an overwhelming majority willing to do so under the right conditions,
- There's strong support for Leadnow providing a balance of information about the state of the race and information about the party positions on the issues to inform local voting decisions,
- And, as you can see in the detailed reporting below, these positions are consistent in four major groups across the Leadnow community.
We also received extensive comments, especially from people who disagree with the plan and people who are only willing to vote for a candidate who is not their first choice under specific conditions. We are grateful for the comments, and we will spend the following weeks reading them to incorporate the feedback. Here are the two main things we heard in the comments:
Of the 15% who disagree with the plan, most disagree because they believe the Liberal candidates should be excluded from the Vote Together campaign. A smaller group disagree because they want Leadnow to make defeating the Harper Conservatives the only priority, and fear that focusing too much on the Liberal MP's vote on C-51 will divide the opposition and help Harper win.
Of the 23% who are willing to vote for their second or third choice candidate to defeat a Harper Conservative under specific conditions, the most often cited conditions are:
strong party commitments to the Leadnow community priorities - strong democracy, fair economy, clean environment - including an effective repeal of C-51, and
a good local candidate who is willing to influence their party to take stronger positions on the community priorities
Based on these results, here's our updated plan:
Keep building communities of people who pledge to Vote Together for the best local candidate to defeat the Conservative in key swing ridings.
Encourage all of the opposition parties to offer strong platforms on the Leadnow community priorities - strong democracy, fair economy and clean environment - and focus extra effort on encouraging the Liberals to strengthen their position on C-51, from making amendments to effectively repealing it.
During the election, offer Vote Together pledge signers information about the state of the race in their riding, and an issue report card on the party’s positions on the Leadnow community priorities - strong democracy, fair economy, and clean environment - to inform their choice of the best local candidate to defeat the Conservative. And, where resources allow, include information about the local candidate's positions and record on the issues.
Include each party’s position on C-51 under the “strong democracy” category in our issue report cards that all Vote Together pledge signers will see.
Encourage Vote Together pledge signers to make the choice between the NDP, Liberal or Green candidate in their riding with all of this information.
Then, after the election, push politicians to work together for lasting change on all of the Leadnow community priorities.
Click on the following headings to get more information, including a break down of the results into the four categories of people surveyed (Vote Together Volunteers, Vote Together Pledge Signers, General Members, New "Reject Fear" Members who joined the campaign to stop C-51):
1. Background and Proposed Plan
Recently we’ve heard from many people in the Leadnow community who are disappointed about the decision of Liberal MPs to vote for bill C-51, despite their concerns about the bill and their promise to amend it if elected.
We’ve also heard from many people, including allies and grassroots groups, who want the Liberal MPs to commit to repeal the bill, not just amend it.
C-51 is an important issue. A strong democracy is one of our priorities, and the Leadnow community has spoken out powerfully against this bill. Both the NDP and Green Party leaders have spoken out forcefully against C-51 and have each committed to repeal the bill. In turn, we believe the Liberals made a mistake in how they handled this legislation, and their decision is likely a factor in their recent decline in the polls.
However, whether we’re talking about repealing C51, putting an end to secretive trade deals, protecting our public healthcare or defending our communities from runaway climate change - any conversation about moving Canada forward hinges on electing a new government in this next election.
And the Vote Together campaign was designed over two years with input from thousands of people in the Leadnow community to anticipate exactly this kind of challenge.
Through that process,we heard loud and clear that the Vote Together strategy in this election should not be “one size fits all”, so we designed it to be responsive to a shifting political landscape - both locally and nationally. We also heard clearly that, in ridings where vote splitting could let a Conservative win again, we need to unite to vote for the best candidate to defeat them.
However, in safe NDP, Liberal and the Green ridings, Leadnow members should vote for the candidate they feel best represents their values. That way, we can create a “race to the top” where we can both defeat Harper Conservatives and encourage the NDP, Liberals and Greens to offer strong platforms for real change.
In other words, if people Vote Together in about 60 swing ridings, we can defeat the Harper Conservatives in the next election. In the remaining 280 or so ridings where vote splitting is unlikely to elect a Conservative MP, people should vote for the government they want.
We also want to make it clear that Leadnow community members have not yet decided which candidates are the best to defeat the Conservatives in their ridings. We know that things change quickly during election season. We’ve already seen major changes in the polls, and the parties have yet to release their full platforms. The process for deciding together will happen much closer to the election to accommodate shifts in the political landscape.
Leadnow will continue to track the party positions on key issues and the state of the race both nationally and locally in swing ridings. These factors will be reported on our website and reflected in our Vote Together campaign over the coming months so we can help Vote Together pledge signers make the best voting decision for their own riding during the election.
Given that background, we believe that we can address the Liberal MPs’ decision to vote for C-51, and their promise to amend the bill, as it relates to the Vote Together campaign.
So, together we’d:
Keep building a community of people who pledge to Vote Together for the best local candidate to defeat the Conservative in key swing ridings.
At the same time, encourage the Liberals to strengthen their position on C-51, from making amendments to effectively repealing it.
During the election, offer Vote Together pledge signers information about the state of the race in their riding, and an issue report card on the party’s positions on the Leadnow community priorities - strong democracy, fair economy, and clean environment - to inform their choice of the best local candidate to defeat the Conservative.
Include each party’s position on C-51 under the “strong democracy” category in our issue report cards that all Vote Together pledge signers will see.
Encourage Vote Together pledge signers to make the choice between the NDP, Liberal or Green candidate in their riding with all of this information.
2. Feedback from Four Groups
We wanted to check to see if opinions of the plan would be divided between people who have taken action on the Vote Together campaign, and people who have only taken action on the C-51 campaign. So we surveyed the whole community, with special messages for four different groups:
Vote Together Volunteers - this groups includes some of Leadnow’s most active members who are working in swing ridings now, and other people who have indicated a willingness to volunteer on the Vote Together campaign
Vote Together Pledge Signers - people who have signed the Vote Together pledge to pick the best local candidate to defeat the Harper Conservatives
General Members - people who joined the Leadnow community by taking action on one of our many campaigns over the years, but have not yet signed the Vote Together pledge
New “Reject Fear” Members - people who recently joined the Leadnow community by taking action in our Reject Fear campaign to stop Bill C-51.
Here is a breakdown of their responses:
3. Result 1: Do you agree or disagree with the plan?
Sample comment:
“I cut up my Liberal party member's card on the basis of their C-51 position, so I do think it's important to address the matter in your VT strategy. What I like about your approach is the acknowledgement that it could swing voters -- which may in itself give a message to the Liberals” - General Member
While nearly 3/4s of every survey group responded positively to our plan, some want us to focus more strongly on specific parts of it, especially increasing pressure on the Liberal party to commit to effectively repeal C-51 rather than make amendments.
Sample comment:
“I think there should be active pressure on Liberals to change their minds on Bill C-51”- Vote Together Volunteer
We also received critical feedback from members who disagreed with the plan, saying Liberal party candidates shouldn’t remain in the Vote Together Campaign because of the Liberal MPs’ C-51 vote. Others voiced concerns that focusing too much on the Liberal MPs’ C-51 vote could undermine our common goal of defeating Harper.
Sample comments that reflect the range of feedback:
“Trying to enhance the Liberal stance on C51 could lead to more vote splitting which could backfire and keep the Conservatives in power and C51 in full effect.” -General Member
“Unless the liberals publicly state they will repeal 51 - they should not be considered a progressive vote for change. I cannot support any candidate that supports C-51” - New “Reject Fear” Member
“I disagree with your approach. The Liberals have promised to amend this bill in major ways. What is important is to defeat the Harper government. Do not create division on the left by attacking the Liberals on this, but DO hold them to their promise to amend and introduce oversight.” - Vote Together Pledge Signer
4. Result 2: Are you willing to vote for a candidate who isn't your first choice if it would mean defeating a Harper Conservative in your riding?
Sample comments that reflect the range of feedback:
“I have never in my life voted anything but NDP - primarily because I've lived in NDP constituencies. I now live in a Liberal riding and will vote Liberal. I want them to repeal C-51. I'll vote for them anyway because Harper...must go.” - Vote Together Pledge Signer
“As much as I would like to see Stephen Harper defeated, I cannot in good conscience, vote for a liberal candidate, given the party's position on Bill C-51.”- New “Reject Fear” Member
“Seems like the best option for defeating the conservatives”- New “Reject Fear” Member
“C-51 is almost a deal breaker for me to support the Liberals, though the goal of defeating Harper remains paramount” - Vote Together Volunteer
Of the 23% who are only willing to vote for a candidate who is not their first choice to defeat a Harper Conservative under specific conditions, the most often cited conditions are: strong party commitments to the Leadnow community priorities - strong democracy, fair economy, clean environment - including an effective repeal of C-51, and a good local candidate who is willing to influence their party to take stronger positions on the community priorities.
We also wanted to know if General Members and New “Reject Fear” Members would support other people in the Leadnow community voting for a candidate who was not their first choice, if it meant that they would have a better chance of defeating a local Harper Conservative. So we asked:
Sample comment:
“I will support anyone I believe can win their riding and return the Conservative Party to the status of irrelevancy they should be relegated to.” - New “Reject Fear” Member
5. Result 3: What kind of information do you want to help your voting choice?
We wanted to check to see if the Leadnow community would prefer us to emphasize information about the state of the race in their riding, or information about the opposition party positions on the issues. The result is a strong preference for a balance between the two:
Sample comments:
“I Love the approach of an issue report card with the party positions on democracy, climate, and economy.” - New “Reject Fear” Member
“I hope that when communicating each politician's stance on these key issues, particularly C-51 and the three issues emphasized by Leadnow, our information focuses on actions taken as opposed to promises made.” - Vote Together Volunteer
On that last point, about emphasizing actions taken over promises made, we’ll take that feedback and look to incorporate it into the campaign where possible. With 338 ridings, we will not be able to cover all the ridings. However, we will look to cover as many of the swing ridings as we can.