Election 2015
Vote Together has comissioned Environics to release local polls in 37 Conservative Swing Ridings.
read more »Vote Together campaign manager, Amara Possian and Director of Engagement, Matthew Carroll provide a live briefing on the latest round of 31 local local polls, commissioned by Leadnow through Environics and funded by small donations from the Leadnow community.
read more »Leadnow volunteers just hit a huge milestone: 60,000 vote pledges. Enough to fill a stadium! With just 38 days until the election, we are picking up steam and hundreds of new volunteers have joined us in just the last few days.
Here’s the thing though, we couldn’t have done it without the hard work of the volunteers who are the heart of the Vote Together campaign. To celebrate all of the work and to welcome everyone who just joined we made this video.
read more »This is how we’re building people power to defeat the Harper Conservatives on October 19 and demand real progress on a strong democracy, fair economy and clean environment.
read more »Between now and election day on October 19, we plan to bring you Stories from the Field: an occasional roundup of all things happening on the ground in the Vote Together campaign. We’ll plug you into our local campaigns, showcase the work of fantastic volunteers, and let you know what’s happening from Halifax to Victoria.
read more »This last week has been a game changer for the Vote Together campaign. We launched our new election website at votetogether.ca, and received national media coverage for the results of crowdfunded local polling in 13 key ridings that show a decline in the Conservative vote across Canada.
read more »Got questions about the Vote Together campaign? Here are 10 things you should know!
read more »As you probably heard over the holiday weekend, Stephen Harper officially triggered the 2015 federal election. We’re now facing the longest, most expensive, and for many of us, the most important election of our lifetimes.
Harper called the election early because he plans to drown his opponents, his critics, and the Canadian public in an unprecedented flood of election spending.
But we’ve got news for him: we’re ready.
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