Let's vote together to end 10 years of Harper rule

Leadnow's Vote Together campaign connects the millions of people who want change on October 19th with the information and tools they need to defeat the Harper Conservatives.

Find your riding

Vote Together community recommendations

In 2011, a majority of people voted for a change in government, but our broken voting system gave the Harper Conservatives 100% of the power with just 39% of the vote. This time, if we vote together, we can stop the riding-by-riding vote splitting that lets Harper win.

90,860 people have pledged to select and support the best local candidates to defeat the Harper Conservatives and move Canada forward.

We're focused on the Conservative swing ridings where a few thousand votes could be all that decides whether or not Harper is Prime Minister again. No matter where you live, we’ll give you the tools you need to make a difference on October 19.

Join a local canvass team

Local teams are organizing door-to-door, talking to thousands of voters every week. These face-to-face conversations are what makes our democracy thrive, and there’s nothing more important in this election than the power of our voices.

“I have had the privilege of helping to train newer volunteers, and to knock on doors of fellow Canadians - who are respectful of our views and invariably polite, even if they don’t agree! And even better is to run into those who do agree and get them signed up.” - Derek, 60, Vancouver BC

Check your riding page to see if there’s a local team near you.

Join our virtual phone team

Harper’s fate will be determined in a handful of key Conservative swing ridings - but even if you live far away from these battlegrounds, you can help. Our calling program connects volunteers with thousands of voters in Conservative swing ridings every week. The tools are free and easy to use, right from your home, and we have expert trainers on hand to help you get set up.

“PopVox is a great tool for connecting with people at a good pace. I don’t feel like those telemarketers we all despise.” - Luke, Terrebonne QC

Visit your riding page to join our calling program.

Crowdfund local polls

Each riding page showcases past results and party positions on the issues. But the reality is that a lot has changed since 2011, with 30 new ridings, redrawn riding boundaries, and big shifts in the polls.

Crowdfunding local polling in the closest races is the best way to give voters in key ridings the information they need to select and support the best local candidate to defeat the Harper Conservatives.

"I am very excited that Leadnow is empowering local groups with targeted, in-riding polling. This will be a huge asset in Winnipeg where there are a lot of close races developing. If we can all chip in to pay for polls then we will know exactly how we can vote together to defeat the Conservatives" - Erin, 37, Winnipeg MB

With your support, we can add this crucial final ingredient. Visit your riding page to fund our game-changing plan today.

Find your riding and join the campaign

Dark purple ridings represent the 72 Conservative swing ridings where we can defeat Harper Conservatives if we vote together.

Light purple ridings are emerging battleground ridings where recent projections indicate a large drop in Conservative support.

The remaining yellow ridings represent ridings where vote splitting is less likely to lead to a Conservative victory.